Efficiency first in our new distribution centre

We are extending our logistic activities in Ollignies with a new distribution centre. Ollignies 2 will ensure the distribution of non-food articles for Colruyt and OKay branches. This is currently done at another site. Thanks to smart design, we increase our productivity while taking up less space.

New, more efficient installation

At Stroppen (our current site for non-food distribution), we have been checking new technologies against our experiences in our distribution centre for years. For the new building, we opt for an Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS). This system brings goods from the warehouse to a picking station where a co-worker will transfer them to a crate for the store. The chosen solution does better than the current installation at Stroppen on all levels. The new set-up demands less labour and does more on a smaller surface.

Automated Storage and Retrieval System

The warehouse, which holds 32,000 crates, will have a higher throughput speed thanks to the shuttles. All of that on 5,000 m2. Today, this is 7,000 m2 in Stroppen. Jannis Huybrechts, Project Manager Automation: "On barely three quarters of the surface, the productivity of the picking process, including preparation, is tripled."

Drawing in 3D

This is the second building that we have drawn in 3D internally. Project Manager Jan Eylenbosch: "This simplifies the BIM story (BIM = Building Information Model). With 3D, you can o.a. also use clash detection. Can the air channels, the sprinkler pipes, roof water drains, electricity lines and the interior layout be reconciled with each other? In the VR space, planning in 3D also ensures that, even before the foundation stone is laid, the different teams, both the building team and the co-workers who will work in the building, can virtually visit the warehouse and the complete automation."

Bouw Informatie Model

Future proof

In the design phase, the energy transition that is in full swing was also taken into account. Jan: "For example, in term, we provide the possibility for the building and the rolling stock to be connected to hydrogen. At the site, we also have a DATS 24 fuel station where it will also possible to refuel hydrogen from this autumn on. Energy and how we use it, will be a very important theme."


Torsten Ruttens, project engineer Electrical Installations, complements: "At the site, we have an own high-voltage circuit. Our 1,600 kVA transformers power the whole building. How do you that in an energy-efficient manner? How much electrical power is required? We do that with a margin. Today, we over-dimension to be ready for the future. We know, for example, that transports will be electrical more and more often. We can place two additional transformers in the technical rooms if this would turn out to be necessary."

At the site, there already is a wind turbine that is connected directly to the site. That turbine currently delivers 2 MW of energy. EOLY Energy is now implementing an expansion of 5 additional wind turbines, of which one is directly connected to our site.

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