Symeta Hybrid

Symeta Hybrid is part of Colruyt Group and that offers many advantages in terms of continuity and sustainable investments.  We are the specialist in digital transformation, multichannel communication, print & mail and digital archiving.  We deliver customised solutions, fully adapted to the specific needs of our customers.

Tags Non-food Service Belgium

Expertise in print & mail

The roots of Symeta Hybrid go back to print & mail. Even today, paper remains important and we continue to offer this classic form of communication.

With a view to maximum efficiency, we integrate this communication channel into our multichannel communication platform and your own IT systems.  In this way, we ensure a maximum automated document flow.  This ultimately results in personalised documents, which are sent via post or courier service. 

Far-reaching digitalisation

More and more companies and organisations are opting for a far-reaching digital transformation of their inbound and outbound document flows. In recent years, Symeta Hybrid has built up enormous expertise in this field. We analyse your existing situation and provide customised advice for the right approach.

You have also come to the right place for the implementation and further growth of your digitalised multichannel systems.

Sustainability as a spearhead

Sustainability is the common thread across all activities of Symeta Hybrid and, by extension, Colruyt Group. Every day, we work on sustainable, future-oriented solutions with respect for people and the environment. We actively reduce our ecological footprint in every possible way. We maximise the reuse of auxiliary and raw materials, limit environmental emissions and chemical waste and ensure separate waste streams. 

A few figures

Founded in 2011

More than 250 employees in full-time equivalent


+32 (0)2 360 01 90
+32 (0)16 84 10 50 (Leuven)
+32 (0)2 360 01 90 (Sint-Pieters-Leeuw)

Reachable Monday to Thursday:
8 am to 12 pm and 13 to 16 pm 
(Fridays until 3.30 pm).

Questions for Symeta Hybrid?