Retail Partners Colruyt Group

Retail Partners Colruyt Group unites all Colruyt Group activities related to independent entrepreneurs. More than half are Spar stores, the other are Alvo stores, independent Mini Markets and free customers. We believe in true partnerships and doing business together. 

Tags Service Food Belgium

Partner for self-employed entrepreneurs

The name ‘Retail Partners Colruyt Group NV’ has a double meaning. ‘Retail Partners’ emphasises that we want to be a partner for our independent entrepreneurs. By joining the activities under one name, we underline that we are open to different forms of cooperation. ‘Colruyt Group’ indicates that our organisation is part of Colruyt Group and that the group believes in this cooperation, also in the long term.

Magazijnier van Retail Partners Colruyt Group

Retail Partners Colruyt Group NV takes over a large part of Colruyt Group’s DNA. Our values are closely aligned with the group’s core values. One of these values, commitment, is also contained in our mission statement: ‘Leading our retail partners, with skill and commitment, to sustainable growth and success.’ Concretely, this means that Retail Partners Colruyt Group NV wants to offer its entrepreneurs unique partnerships and that we want to grow together with them.

Unique partnerships and forms of cooperation

We offer support to our partners so they can fully focus on the end customer. A true win-win relationship based on a unique consultation culture.

  • For Spar, in addition to supply, there is full support and a unique consultation model. The independent entrepreneurs also help shape the assortment and commercial focus of Spar.
  • Alvo is a purchasing group of independent food retailers. Retail Partners Colruyt Group supplies groceries and fresh products, but in the commercial field Alvo is sailing its own course.
  • Mini Market is a showcase for small food shops that partly obtain their supplies from RPCG but are fully in control of their own commercial policy.

A few figures

Founded in 2003

215 Spar stores
50 Alvo stores
73 independent stores, of which 16 Mini Markets,
on 31 March 2024


+32 (0)2 583 11 23

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