Healthier living is something we do together

We consider it our social role as a retailer to contribute to the (preventive) health of our customers and employees. Therefore, we want to help strengthen support with regard to health and make it easier to make healthier choices. Physically, mentally as well as socially.

What exactly we understand under health is explained in our definitions.

How does Colruyt Group contribute to a balanced and healthy life?

1 Healthier product range

We offer our customers a balanced range of products, tailored as far as possible to individual needs and requirements. Together with our suppliers and our own production departments, we are constantly improving the nutritional composition and value of our private label products, across all productcategories.

Through the online pharmacy Newpharma and in our Colruyt stores we also make (OTC) pharmaceutical products more easily available. in such categories as baby and mama, vitamins and nutritional supplements, in addition to specialised products for e.g. first aid, home care and animals. Because these too can contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

Varied food products for a balanced lifestyle

2 Guidance for a healthier lifestyle

By informing, inspiring and guiding, we are helping our customers and employees adopt a healthier lifestyle. We are doing this in a user-friendly and transparent manner based on scientific research, providing them with the tools to make their own conscious choices. Both online and through flyers and cookery books, we offer recipes with a specific focus on a balanced diet.

In addition to nutrition, also exercise, sleep, mental well-being and relationships with others and with nature have an important impact on our health.

  • With the Belgian digital health platform Yoboo, we want to make healthier living achievable for everyone through a personalised guidance programme on physical, mental and emotional well-being.
  • Our group is fully committed to an extensive range of in-house training courses aimed at the personal growth of our employees. A renewed offer puts further focus on mental well-being. We also provide the general public with a varied range of workshops, lectures and webinars on health topics through Colruyt Group Academy.
  • With Jims' offerings, we are committed to health in the broad sense of the word. In addition to exercise, we pay attention to nutrition, sleep, stress prevention etc.

3 Safe and healthy working environment

As an employer, we want to create a safe and healthy working environment for our employees. An environment free of unhealthy or hazardous substances and negative environmental factors. And where attention is paid to mental and social well-being and a healthy work-life balance.

Our objectives and initiatives

Initiatives about 'Customised healthy range'