Colruyt Group IT

A look behind the scenes of our IT department

Working at Colruyt Group IT, that is conceptualising, innovating, inspiring, creating, growing, and so much more. Curious how that works? Our IT staff gives you a view behind the scenes in these interesting interviews and testimonials.

Ambassadors within Colruyt Group Service delivery manager in the spotlight Colruyt Group hosts event for Belgian Java community Committing to sustainable innovation with the smart cart Business Architect given the floor The IT managers of tomorrow? We train them ourselves. A revolution in learning for IT analysts Xtra: 4 years in the making Customer1.0: as relevant as possible for every customer IT Repair team keeps hardware in tip-top condition Job shadowing to learn how people work IT continuity: from software to hardware The 10th anniversary of Colruyt Group data centres IT management involved in Degrenne acquisition The store of the future is packed with smart technology Coaching for women in IT with the Young Potential Boostcamp Collect&Go Drivers: the home delivery service for private delivery drivers Innovative digital store assistent New voice-picking technology Young ICT Lady: an exciting adventure Keynotes on tech attract many to IT Connect Starting as Young Potential in a job in IT management Internet of Things (IoT) deployed in home delivery by Collect&Go Inspiration fair IT Battle between solution analysts From store employee to software engineer Service-oriented IT organisation in full action How IT project managers mobilise their colleagues Bélise Songa is Young ICT Lady of 2022 | Colruyt Group Store employee now reachable with 12,000 smartphones Making and keeping employees strong Xtra offers a broader view on usability Service-minded, both front and backstage From study to construction phase: the building of a crate washing installation Together for one goal: efficiently supply 94 French Colruyt stores IT architecture, that is building a business together A complete makeover for Collect&Go The assignment: design a new salad spread production hall. How do you start?

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